About Us
Cowgirl Beef is family owned and operated. Christina Farris, and her husband CJ, are involved in every aspect of the business to ensure every beef is traceable and meets their quality expectations.

Christina was raised in Southern California where she competitively showed quarter horses, raised livestock through FFA, and spent her spare time on a friend's ranch helping with their cattle. She eventually moved to Texas and graduated from Tarleton State University with a Bachelor’s and Master's Degree in Agricultural Economics. During the fall of 2015, Christina met CJ at a team roping in Stephenville, Texas. CJ was raised on a dairy farm in Pocasset, Oklahoma and knew the importance of a strong work ethic. As a young man, he traveled with a custom harvesting crew, worked in a Feedyard, and team roped. CJ had all the tools to be a farmer and rancher but chose to embark on a welding career. When Cj and Christina met, he was a Certified Welding Inspector and roping on the weekends.CJ and Christina were married in October 2016 and his job kept them on the road until their first son, Cord, was born. In 2017, CJ and Christina invested everything they had into land and a small herd of cattle. CF2 Cattle Company, LLC was born, and they were proud to be first-generation farmers and ranchers. Their goal was to provide their son the opportunity to grow up and learn without distractions of the city. Well, the Good Lord had bigger goals! In 2019, he blessed them with another son, Colter, and more opportunities to grow their herd and land holdings. The blood, sweat and tears were paying off - CF2 Cattle Company was growing their own hay, managing their own cattle, and had everything in place to run a sustainable operation that could be passed on to their sons. Then COVID hit…Cattle prices dropped, and meat prices skyrocketed in the stores. It was ruthless and unfair – Why should cattleman lose money raising beef while the consumer goes broke buying beef at the store? Cowgirl Beef, LLC was created in 2021 after Christina analyzed input costs and market trends. She knew they could offer quality beef to the consumer at or below local store prices. Consumers would have the luxury of knowing where their beef comes from, and she would be able to make an honest living selling beef straight from the farm! Since its inception, Cowgirl Beef, LLC has become her legacy to pass on…she’s passionate about using sustainable agriculture and quality products to keep a positive light on the industry. She considers Cowgirl Beef a blessing for her family and wants it to be a blessing to yours as well! Enjoy the beef!